Precision Rotary Engraving Machine Cutters
Our Scott Machine micrograin carbide engraving cutters are American made, by craftspeople who take pride in their work, so you can engrave confidently and competently. These cutters produce clean, sharp letters and are ultra-durable for long-term use. They feature versatile Scott Omni-Grind™ geometry, designed to eliminate “cutter clutter” by providing universal performance across the entire line of our engraving plastics. Below we help you to choose the right cutter.
For proper sizing, choose a cutter (or "bit") width based on the height of your engraved letter. An 1/8" inch letter would use one of the two smallest bits. For lettering about 1/4" tall, a 0.030" bit is the place to start. Expand your cutter width as you increase your letter height; when you reach a 1" letter height, choose our 0.125" bit.
As a reliable supplier of engraving cutters and other engraving tools and accessories, we are happy to offer an excellent inventory, backed by superior service. So you can look forward to a wide variety of choices, with economical pricing and prompt delivery.

Engrave Plastics - 1" long x 1/8"
#CA1™ 0.015" line width cutter $20.00
#CA2™ 0.030" line width cutter $20.00
#CA4™ 0.060" line width cutter $20.00
#CA6™ 0.090" line width cutter $20.00
#CA8™ 0.125" line width cutter $20.00
These cutters will soon be in this store; meanwhile, please place your order via our Customer Service associates.
Collet is pre-installed in our factory; purchase additional collets if you change tools fequently.

AutoGraver® 8/6
Scribe and Burnish Metals - 1/4" dia shank
These spring-loaded tools require leaf collet COL250
DDT-20™ 120 degree scribe $135
DBT-1™ 0.010" line width burnisher $135
DBT-2™ 0.020" line width burnisher $135
These cutters will soon be in this store; meanwhile, please place your order via our Customer Service associates.

SignGraver® 11/16
Engrave Plastics; 5" long x 1/8" dia
Click the magnifying glass for a close-up of the tip and the line width.
These tools require brass tool holder #BK18
Recommendation: keep one tool holder for each tool.

SignGraver® 11/16 & MetalGraver™ 12/9
Scribe & burnish metals; 5" long x 1/8" dia
Click the magnifying glass for a close-up of each item.
These tools require spring holder #TPBA
The SignGraver 11/16 needs no collet. A lower, solid, 1/8" diameter collet is pre-installed in the MetalGraver 12/9. These tools also fit: legacy EGX-30, EGX-30A & DE-3

MetalGraver™ 12/9
Engrave Plastics - 4½" x 1/8"
Click the magnifying glass for a close-up of the tip and the line width.
These tools require brass tool holder #BK18
A lower, solid, 1/8" diameter collet is pre-installed in every machine. This machine was also known as the DE-3.

MetalGraver™ 12/9
Engrave Metal - these cutters 11/64" diameter
Use Scott-Kool lubricant with these quarter-round cutters for extended life and smooth lettering.
For alum & brass: 6½" long
For stainless steel: titanium-coated, 4½" long
U-29 spline L-wrench fits this tool holder.
These 11/64" diameter cutters fit all top-loading Roland EGX-350, 400/600 & DE-3 rotary engraving machines.

Spot the color & know the tip diameter
There's a dot of color on the end of all our cutters to let you know the line width. Click the magnifying glass for a close-up of the color-coded tip and the engraved line width.
Approximations: 0.015"=1/64"; 0.030"=1/32"; 0.060"=1/16"; 0.090"=3/32"

Legacy Scott® AutoGraver SAGK
Engrave Plastics - 4½" x 1/8"

This machine is also known as the EGX-30 & EGX-30A.

Legacy Scott® Pantograph Engravers
We have clients who have been using our pantograph engravers for over 60 years! And we're happy to provide cutters, plastics, and some spare parts.
#CA1™ 0.015" line width cutter $20.00
#CA2™ 0.030" line width cutter $20.00
#CA4™ 0.060" line width cutter $20.00
#CA6™ 0.090" line width cutter $20.00
#CA8™ 0.125" line width cutter $20.00
These cutters will soon be in this store; meanwhile, please place your order via our Customer Service associates.

Legacy EGX-400, EGX-600 & U-Marq
Engrave Plastics - 6½" x 11/64"
View Discontinued 400/600 Engraver

These 11/64" diameter cutters fit all top-loading Roland EGX-350 and 400/600 rotary engraving machines.

How to choose rotary engraving cutters?
Engraving signs and name tags in plastic is our clients' most popular activity. Using one of our ultra-sharp, carbide cutters you can expect to engrave thousands of letters. Though you can choose different cutters to create different line widths, its more efficient to choose one cutter and adjust the line width via software, to avoid interrupting the work for a cutter change.
Follow the links to our examples to order a free sample of signs and tags produced by each type of tip.
The two cutters on the left are used on plastic Examples
▫ engraving cutter for plastic
▫ profiling cutter for plastic
And the three on the right are used on metal Examples
▫ burnishing cutter for metal
▫ scribe for metal
▫ engraving cutter for metal
Below we explain more about how our cutters are made here in America, and describe the benefits of solid carbide cutters versus carbide-tipped cutters.

Get the Cutting Edge with Solid Carbide
These micrograin carbide engraving cutter blanks are 1/8", 11/64" and 1/4" diameters. We only use solid carbide, the most stable cutter material, enabling the shank to remain blemish- and rust-free. For instance, they are never marred by the set-screw holding the knob.
Carbide rods never bend, so re-sharpening them always results in a "like new" cutting edge, true to size and form. And because carbide dissipates heat very rapidly, it can hold consistently tight tolerances from tool to tool in the manufacturing process. Click photo on the site to enlarge

Scott Omni-Grind™ Reduces Cutter Clutter
The exacting Omni-Grind™ geometry of our precision cutters affords engraving that produces clean-edged, swirl-free letters in all engraving plastics, on a wide range of engraving machines and speeds – with a single blade. This eliminates the need for multiple cutters that overcomplicate the cutting process.
Our rotary engraving cutters are accurately sharpened with the perfect relief angle. The cutter tips are ground according to the material being engraved. So a cutter being used for engravable plastic has a greater clearance behind the cutting edge than one being used for steel. As the material becomes harder, the angle decreases, giving the cutting edge more strength. Click any photo on the site to enlarge
Crafted right here in America, our engraving cutters still fit many earlier model engraving machines that you might own.
Roland part number with Scott® equivalent (4½” x 1/8” cutter)
Roland C2-125-010K = Scott CAR0
Roland C2-125-015K = Scott CAR1
Roland C2-125-030K = Scott CAR2
Roland C2-125-060K = Scott CAR4
Roland C2-125-090K = Scott CAR6
Roland C2-125-125K = Scott CAR8
The cutters immediately above fit our legacy Scott AutoGraver (based on the EGX-30A) and the Roland 2300, EGX-20, EGX-30, EGX-30A and EGX-350 engravers. They're the perfect fit for the perfect cut!
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