Plastic bevelers, corner rounders and scoring aids help sign blanks blossom.
Many of our clients consistently use just a few sizes of sign blanks, and prefer to have us prepare their sign blanks to their requirements, as you'll see in our
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Scott Accuscore® - Score, Bend, Pop
Here's an economical aid for cutting sheets of engraving plastic into sign-sized panels. Simply place the sheet into the fixture, then safely slide the scoring tool along the rails to cut a shallow groove into the surface. Remove the engravable plastic panel, bend it along the scored line - and it pops apart, leaving a smooth, burr-free edge with a professional appearance.
Cut down on the costs of custom sign blanks.
SM96 Scott Accuscore - $470
Hs10 Replacement cutter - $38

Accent name tags with a beveled edge
Refine the edges of your engraved safety signs and office name plates with this versatile desktop beveling machine. A beveling machine trims away - "bevels" - the top edge of your name tag blank to expose the core color for an enhancing look.
Simply slide your name tag blank along the worksurface, and the quiet motor does the rest beneath the safe, spinning beveling tool. The result is a 45-degree accent highlight that exposes the eye-catching core color.
The chip shroud is integrated to the motor mount and attaches to common 1 1/4" vacuum lines for clutter-free operation. With merely a 3" x 12" footprint, the device stores easily on your bench next to your rotary engraving machine.
Pricing & shipping guidance:
SM98A plastic beveler with long-life beveling cutter - $949
Weight - 9 pounds

Round out your signs with rounded corners
Consider an attractive rounded corner as an alternative to a beveled edge. Place the square corner of your flexible engraving plastic sign panel into the enclosed die, press down a single stroke...create a corner with all-around style.
Change the dies in just moments to create these popular radii: 1/8", 1/4", 5/16" & 3/8". Unsuitable for metals and rigid engraving stock.
CR90 (choose die separately) - $220
Each die (most sizes) - $147