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Pipe Label Layout

Roll: Makes the PDF length flexible because the roll printer can print varying lengths depending on the length stated in the pdf. Also for labels that are longer than the page, it allows them to fit on a smaller size sheet.

Basically here is how it calculates the length of the pdf.

(1) The defined Film/Paper Sizes.

(2) The defined "Maximum Label Length".

(3) Mode Selection:

  1. ◎Sheet will create the PDF page sizes the same as the current "Page Size".
  2. ◎Roll will automatically change the length to the optimal size so there is less Film/Paper waste.

From those three parameters it calculates each label's shortest length, then the longest of those lengths determines the length of the PDF. Each section of roll paper is cut using the PDF length.

Maximum Label Length: That's the longest length of a label. If the label is longer than that length, then the label is automatically split at that point.

Note: On most labels it's better to manually adjust the split to a better position.

Group Overflow: When labels are split because a user manually selected a cut point in a label or if the label's length exceeded the "Paper Length" (when "Roll" is selected) or the "Maximum Label Length", then the label is split into parts, usually that's two parts. The last segment of the label I think of as the "tail". The group overflow allows the user to group the label tails by these three sorts.

(1) Height: Label tails of similar height/size will be grouped with labels of the same size.

(2) Label: The tails will always be with their own labels. So lets say you have a 10" label printed on a 8 1/2 sheet of paper. The tails will be 2" long. If you are printing 4 labels then you have 4 8" sections of labels then those would be followed by 4 2" tail sections.

(3) Bottom: This puts all tails at the bottom of the pdf.

This allows the user to select the most efficient or easiest method to understand.

"Bottom" is the most efficient, but depending on what labels you are printing it could be confusing.

"Height" is pretty efficient and easy to understand because tails will be grouped with labels of the same size.

"Label" is the easiest to understand, but it can waste paper.

Note: If you want your printer to perform the posterization, then define a very large piece of paper and only have that piece of paper selected. Do not have "Roll" selected. A very long pdf will be created and you will need to adjust your printers settings so that it will posterize the oversized images. This could use an excessive amount of paper and most likely will not do a good job of splitting the label lengths.

Search: Enter a keyword and click the Search button to filter out your labels that match that keyword. It will also display the matching labels from all of the Classifications in a drop down box. Regex can be used.

Reload Page: Simply reloads the page.

Label Icons

  1. Qty: Enter the quantity of labels for the PDF
  2. Left and Right arrows to move the split position
  3. Pencil: Edit this label
  4. X Delete the label
  5. Checkbox: Add label to your sharing Library
  6. PDF: The icon is shown if this label has been used on a PDF.
  7. Down Arrow: Scroll to the bottom of the current page size.

Registered Users Only

Secondary Line: This prints another line below the Pipe Contents Line.

Mirror: Creates a double high label so that it can be read from either direction.

QrCode: This creates a qrCode on the right side of the label.

  1. Default is the Content and the Secondary Line
  2. If you place text inside of square brackets [] that text is used for the qrCode. The remaining text is printed on the secondary line.

Sharing Library: Opens that program and it allows you to share labels with colleagues even if they are not registered users. The labels that are checked will be accesable in your library.